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= 1073741824) return round ($size / 1073741824 * 10) / 10 . " Go"; elseif ($size >= 1048576) return round ($size / 1048576 * 10) / 10 . " Mo"; elseif ($size >= 1024) return round ($size / 1024) . " Ko"; else return $size . " o"; } $tabtype = array("Dossier","Communiqué"); $date_courante = time(); $sqlMesDocs = "Select * From systeam_presses Where `PresseTitreDoc_en` != '' AND PresseDatePublication <= $date_courante AND PresseDateDepublication >= $date_courante ORDER BY PresseDateCreation DESC"; require_once 'admin/'; $connexion = dbConnect(); $resultMesDocs = dbquery($sqlMesDocs, $connexion); if(dbResOk($resultMesDocs)){ ?>

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"; }else{ echo "\"Document "; } echo "Download the document (".$poidsformat.")
"; } ?>


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