Defining a standard

  • A BEAM REPORT® "standard" may be compared to a word processor "template", except that it deals with the content of the information rather that its visual form.
  • It consists of various elements for codification, keywords or graphic shapes that will be used to qualify the various text items.
  • It can also include a predefined title structure, providing a skeleton for the report.

The player:

Defining a reporting standard requires no special I.T. skills. However, this definition has a decisive impact on the quality and effectiveness of the reporting, and this means that it must be done with a good knowledge of the concerned organisation and skills, and of the goal of the reporting.

The mean:

Once the standard has been defined "on paper", it is implemented in the tool using extremely simple screens. Physically, it is saved into a single file that will then be forwarded or made available to all concerned writers.

When ?

Upon installation of the tool, then if necessary upon each change in organisation or reporting requirement.

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